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November 15th, 2016

Fall cleanup is always one of my favorite chores, especially the final mowing of the lawn and fallen leaves. Not only does it create a tidy lawn/landscape, it provides loads of valuable mulch to make spring weeding much less of a chore. Ever since I first started gardening I’ve been mixing grass clippings and chopped leaves and applying them to my compost piles and using it as mulch in my flowerbeds.
I have a much larger lawn (about an acre and a half) and loads more trees (150 acres of them), so it takes me days upon days to finish up this chore in the fall. The areas under the old apple trees got most of the mulch this year, hopefully next year they will be mostly weed free and then they can receive a dressing of compost from here on out. This is my favorite fall cleanup chore, but it’s also the most relieving to have finished as well. I finished just in time yesterday, today we’re supposed to get an inch of rain.

What’s your favorite fall cleanup chore in the garden?

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This is a daily journal of my efforts to cultivate a more simple life, through local eating, gardening and so many other things. We used to live in a small suburban neighborhood Ohio but moved to 153 acres in Liberty, Maine in 2012.

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A Beautiful Day, Week, Month, Season

This fall has been perfect, the days are in the 40's or 50's and the nights are in the 20's...
